
Building up to your appointment it is best to have your hair in the best possible condition by using a natural and drying shampoo or our fav DISH WASH LIQUID. Washing twice is super useful and if you love your shampoo and worried out using dish wash liquid…wash with dish wash liquid first then follow up with your favoured shampoo. Rinse very well and dry naturally.

Please remove any wax which you may of used before.

The day before your maintenance appointment make up a salt water spray and cover your head and dreads with this mixture. Allow to dry without rinsing out and rock on up with completely bone dry dreads.... Or jump in the ocean for the perfect result!

By doing this we have a nice dry and safe hair to work with and we find that the maintenance stays in well and locks up nice and neatly.

Remember please arrive with completely dry locs for your appointment

And to care for your newly maintained Dreadlocks

Your scalp will feel free and airy again and that lovely tight feeling will be back! To best care for your newly maintained locs please leave them for about 2 weeks before washing, giving them time to settle, tighten and matt up. When washing be gentle, trying not to do that foaming up motion that regular hair types use, rather pat and finger tips into scalp.

Use a Salt Spray again with the addition of some essential oils for a yummy smell, and the benefit of something cooling for the scalp like peppermint or chamomile.

Then do a palm roll to help straighten them out and reshuffle the knots internally. We do this wet as the hair has taken on water become more elastic and as it drys it sets into place as the water evaporates.

Returning for more maintenance is all upto you, as with every different type of personality, every head of locs has its own style. Some like them tight and neat, whilst others like the more free and natural look. Some people like regular monthly maintenance, whilst others like me tend to leave it for six or more month.